Topic Proposals

In the coming two weeks, everyone who hasn't already will needs to write a reasonably coherent one-page paper/presentation proposal to bring to your discussion with me. The main purpose of this is to get your concrete ideas on paper. It is not meant to lock you in and you can propose two or three topics if you wish. But without this document as a starting point it is very difficult to have a productive discussion, so you MUST bring it in on the day of your meeting with me. You can, of course, email it to me ahead of time (and only good things will result from doing so).

people who need to email me by sunday 09.30 with their revised proposals

Averil, Jeffrey, Sara.

people who need to bring initial proposals for discussion on tuesday 10.02

Andres, Andrew, Bastien

people who need to bring initial proposals for discussion on tuesday 10.09

Jen, Kara, Kathryn